Project Documentation – Visual including Webcams

LinkedIn Group: Contract Risk Management — Construction Industry

Discussion: Webcams on Projects

Embracing the dynamics of todays technology, McLaughlin and McLaughlin (M&M) actively participates in select LinkedIn Groups.  When one of these groups discusses or addresses a timely, relevant, or vital topic that we feel would be valuable, M&M will offer a blog-discussion with LinkedIn excerpts on that topic. This is not to diminish the LinkedIn group discussion but to further share and stimulate insightful thinking presented in a condensed format.

Although the LinkedIn Contract Risk Management Group is restricted to members, access seems to be easily achieved, and the value of the flow of information by knowledgeable contributors makes membership worthwhile.  Commentary is always robust; thus, I recommend reading the complete string of comments within the Discussion at LinkedIn when possible.  However, for brevity, I have selected excerpts that are “spot-on” when addressing this topic.

This recent Discussion was initiated by Chris Hawkins. Chris posed the following question: [Read more…]

Project Communications – Letters And E-Mails (Excerpt from Linkedin: Contract Risk Management Group — Construction Industry)

Embracing the dynamics of today’s technology, McLaughlin and McLaughlin (M&M) actively participates in select LinkedIn groups.  When one of these groups discusses or addresses a timely, relevant, or vital topic that we feel would be valuable, M&M will offer a blog-discussion with LinkedIn excerpts on that topic.  This is not to diminish the LinkedIn group discussion but to further share and stimulate insightful thinking presented in a condensed format.

This is consistent with the goal of this blog: To create a place for Project Professionals to share their knowledge in their area of expertise.  Started by McLaughlin & McLaughlin in 2011, the Project Professionals blog intends to achieve a blend of pragmatic, practical and authoritative ideas and perspectives.  Our focus is implementation of best practices to achieve desired business management objectives.

[Read more…]