Project Communications – Letters And E-Mails (Excerpt from Linkedin: Contract Risk Management Group — Construction Industry)

Embracing the dynamics of today’s technology, McLaughlin and McLaughlin (M&M) actively participates in select LinkedIn groups.  When one of these groups discusses or addresses a timely, relevant, or vital topic that we feel would be valuable, M&M will offer a blog-discussion with LinkedIn excerpts on that topic.  This is not to diminish the LinkedIn group discussion but to further share and stimulate insightful thinking presented in a condensed format.

This is consistent with the goal of this blog: To create a place for Project Professionals to share their knowledge in their area of expertise.  Started by McLaughlin & McLaughlin in 2011, the Project Professionals blog intends to achieve a blend of pragmatic, practical and authoritative ideas and perspectives.  Our focus is implementation of best practices to achieve desired business management objectives.

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