This post addresses the general topic of time management and the relationship to managing the risk of delay. More specifically, this post addresses time management strategy issues.
Keith Pickavance is a prominent leader, speaker, expert and author in the construction industry. His authoritative reference book, Delay and Disruption in Construction Contracts, is noted in our Resource Center.
Mr. Pickavance is President of The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB). As a member of Time-Management Working Group, Mr. Pickavance and the group authored and have published Guide to Good Practice in the Management of Time in Complex Projects. This publication is noted in our Resource Center.
This work (hereinafter called “The Guide”) addresses, among other aspects, time-management strategy as viewed by CIOB. The Guide is an important contribution to many time-related topics including managing risk of delay.
The topics addressed under the heading of Strategy are: [Read more…]