STAFFING YOUR PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM (Part 5) – Acquiring the Project Manager

Personal Characteristics and Attributes

This McLaughlin and McLaughlins Project Professional’s post is the fifth in a series of discussions regarding current challenges with the staffing aspects of your project management team.  The focus is on the managerial aspects of human resource planning and acquisition.  This post (like Part 4, our last post) addresses acquiring the human resources (people) or staffing.  In this case, we focus on acquisition of the project manager. This acquisition of project manager resources will be the subject of several posts over the next several weeks.

A key action, many believe that this selection/acquisition (the project manager) is the most important activity in staffing the project management team.

In past posts, the acquisition strategies have been discussed and evaluated.

This, the first post on acquiring the project manager, will address the personal characteristics and attributes that are important in a professional project manager.  Before looking at sources for a project manager candidate, one needs to settle on the key characteristics (personal and other) that are needed in the specific project and the project execution strategy for your project.  From past posts, it has been asserted that enterprise environmental factors are key inputs.  These factors influence the characteristics and attributes that are needed for a project within your organization.

Please RememberTeams of people [not machines and not software] build projects. Consequently, if you cannot acquire the requisite staffing, you are not prepared to execute the project [at least as planned].

Please Remember This is a team, not a group of individuals. Have you noticed that so many sports teams with superstars rarely win championships?  Further, have you noticed that championship teams have few, if any, superstars?  It is the project team, not the individual that must be staffed and developed.  As they say, there is no “I” in team. [Read more…]

STAFFING YOUR PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM (Part 4) – Acquiring People from the Market

This McLaughlin & McLaughlins Project Professionals post is the fourth in a series of discussions regarding current challenges with the staffing aspects of your project management team.  The focus is on the managerial aspects of human resource planning and acquisition.  This post (like Part 3, our last post) addresses acquiring the human resources (people) or staffing.  While the planning may be the most important activity or action in the process, the challenge ultimately is obtaining the people to implement your intended execution strategy.

There are many acquisition strategies.  These acquisition strategies differ for various market conditions, organizational situations, project needs and other project variables.  Markets that are very active/hot [oil and gas, mining, natural resources, etc.] present unique challenges.  Skill-sets that are in high demand [project controls, planning, scheduling, technical, etc.] present further unique challenges.  The project Human Resource Plan must address these unique challenges.  Further, the project plan and schedule must allow the time to complete the acquisition process as well as the requisite training/indoctrination.  Finally, the project budget must realistically provide for the cost of these resources (often expensive non-employee persons) as well as the acquisition costs (e.g. recruiters).  If this planning is not in place, do not launch into project execution.

Please Remember Teams of people [not machines and not software] build projects. Consequently, if you cannot acquire the requisite staffing, you are not prepared to execute the project [at least as planned].

Please Remember This is a team, not a group of individuals.  Have you noticed that so many sports teams with superstars rarely win championships?  Further, have you noticed that championship teams have few, if any, superstars?  It is the project team, not the individual that must be staffed and developed.  As they say, there is no “I” in team. [Read more…]


This post is the third in McLaughlin & McLaughlins Project Professionals series of discussions regarding current challenges being encountered in today’s efforts/environment associated with the human resource aspects of your project management team.  More specifically, we have titled the series STAFFING YOUR PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM, and we intend to focus heavily on the managerial aspects of human resource planning and acquisition.  This post focuses on acquiring the human resources (people) or staffing.  While the planning may be the most important activity or action in the process, the challenge ultimately is obtaining the people to implement your intended execution strategy.  There are many acquisition strategies.  These acquisition strategies differ for various market conditions, organizational situations, project needs and other project variables.

Please RememberTeams of people [not machines and not software] build projects.  Consequently, if you cannot acquire the requisite staffing, you are not prepared to execute the project [at least as planned].

Please Remember –This is a team, not a group of individuals.  Have you noticed that so many sports teams with superstars rarely win championships?  Further, have you noticed that championship teams have few, if any, superstars?  It is the project team, not the individual that must be staffed and developed.

In order to present this topic in a logical manner and with an industry-recognized lexicon, we are using the PMI Project Management Processes for a Project as presented in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide).

Sources that are used in this post are:


This post is the second in McLaughlin & McLaughlins Project Professionals Blog series of discussions regarding current challenges being encountered in today’s efforts/environment associated with the human resource aspects of your project management team.  More specifically, we have titled the series STAFFING YOUR PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM, and we intend to focus heavily on the managerial aspects of human resource planning and acquisition.  This post focuses on planning the human resources or staffing.  In many respects, the planning is the most important activity or action in the process.  Proper and timely planning including documenting the plan will provide the roadmap for the path to success.  It will also tend to reveal problems and challenges before they become a problem.

In order to present this topic in a logical manner and with an industry-recognized lexicon, we are using the PMI Project Management Processes for a Project as presented in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide).

Sources that are used in this post are:

Please Remember People [not machines and not software] build projects. [Read more…]


McLaughlin and McLaughlins Project Professional’s post is the first in a series of discussions regarding current challenges being encountered in today’s efforts/environment associated with the human resource aspects of your project management team.  More specifically, we have titled the series STAFFING YOUR PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM, and we intend to focus heavily on the managerial aspects of human resource planning and acquisition.  This post is the introduction which frames out or structures the developing discussion.

Authoritative information and guidance regarding project management comes from many sources.  A few that may be obvious include:

In order to frame and organize this topic, we are using the PMI Project Management Processes for a Project as presented in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) .

Sources that are used in this post are:


This summary update provides readers with an overview of prior posts and provides a baseline for future posts that will follow on a timely basis.  A Subject Series Summary has not been posted in the past.  This Subject Series, PROJECT MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES  was posted during June through September 2011.  Since that time, blog readership has increased significantly.

This summary is very brief and simply serves as an index for readers to follow.  More robust summaries are provided in the June summary.  Of course, detailed descriptions are contained in the individual posts.

Ideally this Subject Series provides a starting point to investigate best practice on many planning and execution features of project management.

Introduction (Part 1)  – This post is the first in a series of discussions regarding challenges being encountered in current project management.  This post introduces the topic and sets the framework for ongoing posts on individual challenges.  This series is intended to draw upon many sources within the project management discipline or profession.

Project Initiation (Part 2)  – This post addresses the starting point or initiation of the project.  This is a crucial challenge.  The initiation process (getting started formally) requires two processes and deliverables/outputs (see PMBOK® and Kerzner).  Both processes are discussed.

Project Initiation Lessons Learned (Part 3)  – This post addresses the starting point or initiation of the project.  The study of lessons learned creates relevance and importance in (sometimes) abstract concepts.  It answers queries regarding the practical side of the issue.  There is a famous quote out there that talks about those that refuse to study history.  It is suggested that you avoid reliving the mistakes experienced by others.

Project Planning Process (Part 4)  – This post addresses the project planning process.  This is a crucial challenge and the importance of this process cannot be overstated.  A logical and often asked question is along the lines of “Why plan?” as it can be complicated, time-consuming and aggravating.  There are several key benefits to planning.  These benefits are discussed.

Project Management Plan (Part 5)  – This post addresses the Project Management Plan [also known as Project Execution Plan, Project Plan and other titles].  The Project Management Plan can consist of several pages of information and direction or a bookshelf full of many volumes of documents.  These many volumes can have a hierarchical structure.  PMBOK® provides guidance regarding this deliverable/work product.  The Project Management Plan is also known as Project Execution Plan, Project Plan, and other similar titles.

Project Planning Issues (Part 6)  – Planning the project properly, documenting the plan professionally and then implementing the plan successfully are likely the source of most project success and failure outcomes.  While project planning is one of the most fundamental skill sets in project management, the requisite processes and actions are not well developed or successfully implemented.

Project Planning Lessons Learned (Part 7)  – Learning from the experiences of others is an effective method for skill set development.  Many organizations that use project management on an ongoing basis close out projects with a compilation of “lessons learned.”  These firms have found value in studying the issues that have emerged in the past.

Project Planning Lessons Learned STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT (Part 8)  – This post continues the focus on issues in planning and problems that have their source or root cause in planning.  The subject is Stakeholder Management.  The use of team and stakeholder workshops can be an effective mechanism for aligning, selling and implementing the Project Management Plan.  Obtain an audience with all stakeholders.  Start with the Project Sponsor.  Sell the Project Management Plan in detail.

Project Planning Lessons Learned RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS (Part 9)  – This post continues the focus on issues in planning and problems that have their source or root cause in planning.  The subject is Resource Requirements.  In this regard, the post will focus on human resources or staffing. [Read more…]


The purpose of this post is to advise readers that the Project Professionals Resource Center feature or page has been upgraded.  Please visit this useful page and familiarize yourself with the content.  Please visit the Resource Links page which provides links to useful industry tools and resources.  The pages were derived from years of frustration searching for reliable, substantiated references.  So, the desires to share our choices are listed on the noted pages.

The Resource Center feature of this McLaughlin and McLaughlin [M&M] blog provides blog visitors with information and links to important and useful publications that relate to project management and dispute resolution in project work.

Recently, the Resource Center was upgraded to include several new publications, cite a new version of Mr. Pickavance’s book on delay and add some useful Resource Link updates. [Read more…]

PROJECT MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES – Project Planning Lessons Learned (Part 7)

Planning the project properly, documenting the plan professionally and then implementing the plan successfully are likely the sources of most project success and failure outcomes.  Learning from the experiences of others is an effective method for skill set development.  Many organizations that use project management on an ongoing basis close out projects with a compilation of “lessons learned.”  These firms have found value in studying the issues that have emerged in the past.

As part of the planning process, a review of relevant lessons learned can be instructive as well as a “sanity check” or completeness evaluation regarding the adequacy and comprehensive nature of your Project Management Plan.

This post continues the focus on issues in planning and problems that have their source or root cause in planning. [Read more…]

PROJECT MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES – Project Planning Issues (Part 6)

Planning the project properly, documenting the plan professionally and then implementing the plan successfully are likely the source of most project success and failure outcomes.  While project planning is one of the most fundamental skill sets in project management, the requisite processes and actions are not well developed or successfully implemented.  There is value in the planning process and value in implementing a well documented plan.  This was discussed in the prior post in this Subject Series.

Learning from the experiences of others is an effective method for skill set development.  Many organizations that use project management on an ongoing basis close out projects with a compilation of “lessons learned.”  These firms have found value in studying the issues that have emerged in the past.

This and several following posts focus on issues in planning and problems that have their source or root cause in planning. [Read more…]

PROJECT MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES – Project Management Plan (Part 5)

This post is the fifth in a series of discussions regarding current challenges being encountered in today’s project management.  More specifically, we have titled the series PROJECT MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES, since we intend to focus heavily on the managerial aspects of program / project management.  This post addresses the Project Management Plan [also known as Project Execution Plan, Project Plan and other titles].  The last post (Part 4) addressed the project planning process.

Authoritative information and guidance regarding project management comes from many sources.  A few that may be obvious include:

In order to frame and organize this topic, we are using the PMI Project Management Processes for a Project as presented in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide).

Many discussion groups and forums can be helpful.  These include AACE, PMI, LinkedIn and others. [Read more…]